1)Be Prepared Ah yes, the Boy Scout Motto, “Be Prepared”. It is very applicable to surviving tax season. How can you get prepared? Start with completing your tax organizer. We send these out to our clients in early January. …
1)Be Prepared Ah yes, the Boy Scout Motto, “Be Prepared”. It is very applicable to surviving tax season. How can you get prepared? Start with completing your tax organizer. We send these out to our clients in early January. …
Time As the Rolling Stones said, “Time is on my side.” And so it is with younger investors, time is clearly on their side. The benefit to a Roth IRA or Roth 401(k) plan is that if all of the…
1) The Roth 401(k) Plan Has a Higher Contribution Limit that a Roth IRA Taxpayers can contribute up to $5,000 per year into a Roth IRA. Taxpayers over age 50 can contribute an additional ‘catch-up’ contribution of $1,000 for…
This week is Mob Week on AMC. We get to watch classic Mob movies like The Godfather, Scarface and The Untouchables. Unfortunately every week is Mob Week for Connecticut taxpayers. In 2011 the State of Connecticut passed their…
The Roth 401(k) plan is becoming a more popular retirement plan option offered by employers. This has become the foundation for many people’s retirement plan. Unlike a traditional 401(k) plan where contributions are made pre-taxed, contributions to a Roth 401(k)…