business owner leaning on counter


Timely and accurate financial statements are essential to any business owner. More critically is how this information is used. We work with you to interpret these figures and help you identify opportunities, possible problems, and potential adjustments along the way.

The partners and staff at Borgida & Company, P.C. has the benefit of many years of experience in a wide variety of industries. Our goal is to achieve a greater understanding of your particular business and function as your business advisor, providing specific recommendations designed to improve your organization. We strive to look beyond your bottom line.

Some of the services we perform are:

  • Review, and compilation financial statement reports
  • Special purpose financial presentations
  • Personal financial statement preparation
  • Agreed upon procedures engagements
  • Assistance with bank financing
  • Internal procedures and control design

Let us tailor our accounting services to best suit your needs so that we may achieve the status of your trusted business advisor.

If you have a question regarding our accounting services, call Peter Bartolotta at 860-646-2465 or Email Peter.

Contact us to schedule a consultation

Call us at 860-646-2465

Send us an Email


Are you a new client?

Here’s a list of helpful forms and aides to get you started:

  • Individual Income Tax Organizer (questions and personal information)
  • Business information checklist
  • Estate and Trust checklist

Go to Resources