Another year will end soon. There is (very) little tax planning that can be done after the year-end. With the maximum federal income tax bracket of 39.6% and the maximum State of Connecticut income tax bracket of 6.5% there is…
Another year will end soon. There is (very) little tax planning that can be done after the year-end. With the maximum federal income tax bracket of 39.6% and the maximum State of Connecticut income tax bracket of 6.5% there is…
Taxpayers must pay their taxes “as they go.” For many taxpayers, their income taxes are withheld from their paychecks. For taxpayers that don’t have any withholding, they will need to make estimated tax payments.
The State of Connecticut recently increased the state income tax rates. Oh, and they made them retroactive to the beginning of 2011. Don’t you Connecticut income taxpayers just love this?