When you sell a capital asset you need to know when you purchased it and what the cost basis is. These will be used to determine what your capital gain (or loss) is. Capital assets are items such as stocks,…
When you sell a capital asset you need to know when you purchased it and what the cost basis is. These will be used to determine what your capital gain (or loss) is. Capital assets are items such as stocks,…
Capital Assets Capital assets are generally those held for investment. Stocks, bonds and mutual funds are some examples. If there is a gain on the sale of these assets, a capital gains tax is due.
1) The Long-Term Capital Gains Rate is Going Up Long-term capital gains are for capital assets held longer than a year. Capital assets include stocks, bonds and mutual funds. Collectibles and certain Real Estate are subject to special rules. The…
Most long-term capital gains are taxed at 15% for 2010. This rate is scheduled to increase to 20% in 2011. Unfortunately, we need to say “most” because there are some exceptions as follows: Taxpayers in the 10% and 15% ordinary…