Third Quarter Estimated Tax Payments Are Due
This is a friendly reminder that your third quarter estimated tax payments are due on September 15, 2023.
Making estimated tax payments will decrease the amount you may owe when you file your next tax return and can help you avoid penalties & interest. Please record your payments as we will need that information when preparing your next return. Read more from Borgida & Company about paying your estimated taxes or check the CNBC article “Don’t miss this quarterly tax payment deadline” that Tom was quoted in.
If you owe estimated taxes, your vouchers and mailing instructions were included with your tax return (if complete) or may be found in your secure client portal (if you have one).
NOTE to Subchapter S & Partnership clients: These estimated payments to Connecticut must be made electronically. Visit the CT DRS Taxpayer Service Center for additional information at
If you need assistance, reach out to your staff accountant at (860) 646-2465.