On December 14, 2023, local Manchester accounting firm Borgida & Company, P.C. delivers truckload of supplies and $2,500 to the Manchester-based non-profit MACC Charities.
After a month of collecting non-perishables and toiletries at Borgida & Company’s East Center Street office the accounting firm proudly delivered the impressive bounty on Friday to the MACC campus. This effort represented the 18th year Borgida & Company has held its annual food drive. This year netted big results to assist the non-profits efforts of breaking the cycle of poverty in our community. Generous clients and business associates continue to support the efforts to make a difference for local communities.
After emptying the truck, the partners and staff spent the morning working in the MACC pantry and stock rooms labeling, sorting and shelving the food. This humbling experience was the perfect grounding instrument for what otherwise can be a very chaotic holiday season.
Borgida & Company would like to thank everyone who assisted in this year’s Food Drive.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”
Aesop, Fabulist