Borgida Clients & Friends Raise $2,500 & almost 1,500 pounds for MACC!!

Local CPA Firm Borgida & Company of Manchester, CT raises money & food to help fill MACC Food Pantry for the holiday.

photo: lobby full of food Staff loading food on Nov 18, 2020

Borgida & Company staff, clients, family & friends stepped up to the plate again this year! Our 2022 MACC Food Drive is complete & your contributions filled their pantry!! 

Borgida staff loading pickup truck

It was a proud Friday as the Borgida & Company team packed the bed of a pickup truck (and back seat too!) with boxes & bags of non-perishable items donated from clients, family & friends for the MACC Food Pantry. The truck was jam-packed and tipped the scale (thank you Ostrinsky Scrap for the official weigh-in) at 1,440 pounds! Our November 18th delivery also included monetary donations of $2,500! All kinds of non-perishable food items were collected including canned fruits and vegetables, instant potatoes, pasta, soups, peanut butter & rice along with almost everything one would need to make a beautiful holiday meal. Personal hygiene items and gift cards were also donated.

Staff at Food Pantry

B&C staff with a MACC Pantry employee.

Thank you again for your continued support! Wishing you a very happy holiday season!


For additional information on MACC Charities check out their website.

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