Fall Food Drive 2019
Please help us pay it forward.
Borgida & Company, P.C., CPAs, is holding its 14th Annual Food Drive to benefit MACC Charities. Your good deed will help many!!
Food Drop-off Dates:
November 1-December 6, 2019
What: Any non-perishable food item. Needed items include tuna fish, stews, canned fruits and vegetables, instant potatoes, dried pasta, dried milk, soups, peanut butter, rice, and “sugar free,” “low sodium,” or “no salt” items. Any personal hygiene items are also appreciated. Monetary donations always welcome. Make check payable to “MACC Charities”.
Drop Off Your Donation At these Borgida & Company Offices:
- Manchester office: 360 East Center Street (Mon-Fri 8:30am–5:00pm)
- Niantic office: 8 West Main Street (Please call prior to stopping.)
- Storrs office: 1733 Storrs Road (Please call prior to stopping.)
For additional information call (860) 646-2465 or email info@borgidacpas.com