A huge THANK YOU to all our generous clients who participated in our “record-breaking” 14th Annual MACC FOOD Drive.
Dozens of clients showed up to donate to this worthwhile campaign. This year with the help of our very generous clients Borgida & Company proudly presented MACC with a check for $7,300. That is NO typo! $7,300 in monetary donations was collected this year!! As important, our lobby was completely full of boxes & bags of non-perishables…amounting to over 1,180 pounds!!! Some clients even had fun using their creativity to display their donation. A special shout out to Ostrinsky Scrap for so enthusiastically weighing our cars full of food for the final weigh-in.

Tom Scanlon with MACC Operations Assistant Patti Gregory & Chef Fernando.
We hosted a “wrap-it-up” Open House at our Manchester office to complete the Food Drive, complete with a doorprize drawing of the new MACC Cookbook. This cookbook “A Taste of MACC, Featuring Chef’s Best Recipes” is only $15 and the proceeds go directly back into the organization. Please call 860.647.0440 if you would like to buy our cookbook or order your copy off Amazon.

Employees from Forensic Accounting Services, LLC built an impressive lighted Christmas tree of red and green cans. We can’t wait to see what they will come up with next year!!
We hope you will join us in giving back to the community next year. Together we can truly make a difference and help many!