Borgida & Company, P.C., CPAs, in conjunction with MACC Charities, is holding its 13th annual food drive. Your good deed will help many!!
Drop Off Your Donation Between November 1-November 30
All non-perishable food items welcome. Needed items include tuna fish, stews, canned fruits and vegetables, instant potatoes, dried pasta, dried milk, soups, peanut butter, rice, and “sugar free,” “low sodium,” or “no salt” items. Personal hygiene items & toiletries also are appreciated.
Monetary donations always welcome. Make check payable to “MACC Charities”.

Thank you to clients Jack & Sue B. for their generous contribution.
All items collected will be donated to the MACC Food Pantry. For additional information call (860) 646-2465 or email

Our friends from Forensic Accounting Services, Glastonbury, building their impressive food fireplace. Great job again this year!!