Local CPA Thomas F. Scanlon recently made a presentation to an enrichment class of 6th graders at Franklin Elementary School in North Franklin, CT. The class introduces students to the Stock Market Game and the basics of researching/choosing stocks and how to trade in the Stock Market Game. Teacher Matt Walsh requested a professional presentation through SIFMA’s Invest it Forward tm program for this class that meets weekly.
SIFMA Foundation’s Invest it Forwardtm connects educators and classrooms with financial industry professionals and firms to promote youth financial capability across the U.S. It is an industry-wide financial education & capital markets literacy initiative convening financial firms that are committed to giving young Americans a solid understanding of the capital markets system.
Scanlon is a CPA & partner in the firm Borgida & Company, P.C., located in Manchester, Storrs & Niantic. “I really enjoyed meeting the students in Mr. Walsh’s 6th grade class. I was impressed with their enthusiasm.” Scanlon shared.