Almost 1,200 pounds and $900 delivered to MACC

Our 12th annual food drive was a huge success with $1,180 pounds of non-perishable food items and toiletries as well as a check for $900 delivered to the M.A.C.C. Food Pantry on Friday, December 1st.

photo of Scanlon & Stafford with big check

Beth Stafford receiving the “big check” from Tom Scanlon.

At a Borgida & Company Holiday Open House for contributors, MACC Executive Director/CEO Beth Stafford said, “The need is great and effects all sorts of people, not just the homeless but your neighbors that are effected by illness, job loss and many different situations. Thank you (Borgida & Company and our clients) for your generosity this holiday season!”


Borgida & Company employees prepared a bounty of homemade food for the guests who also enjoyed music by Alex Lentini of Lentini Communications, Inc. 


We’d like to thank all of our clients and friends who donated to this very worthy organization. Our joint effort will surely help many!

Guests enjoying each other’s company.

Musician Alex Lentini sang and played guitar.